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Found 22 results for the keyword term mission. Time 0.006 seconds.
STEM Press On-Line Bookstore Mission Trip Training Mission Trip ResourShort-Term Mission Trip Training! Mission Trip Preparation! Mission Trip Planning! Mission Trip Resources! Missions Training Curriculum! Missions Trip Planning Checklists! Mission Trip Devotions! Mission Trip Meetings! M
Christ Centered, Affordable Mission Trips to MexicoWe are long-term missionaries who use short-term mission teams in fulfilling the Great Commission! We are a non-denominational ministry with 24 yrs. experience.
FPGA Mezzanine Cards (FMC) | Abaco SystemsFMCs bring modularity to high performance I/O - whether you need high bandwidth ADCs and DACs Gigabit Ethernet, or clock and trigger distribution.
Intel Architecture SBCs | Abaco SystemsUsing state of the art Core and Xeon technology, over 20 products deliver you performance and flexibility – with easy upgrade guaranteed.
Rugged Single Board Computers (SBC) | Abaco SystemsSingle board computers (SBC) in cPCI, VME, OpenVPX, powered by Intel and Power architectures are designed to meet almost any high performance computing application.
Welcome | El Camino International Ministries, Inc. | Ronnie and Mary Ahacer discípulos de Jesucristo
Short term missions are not the race The Hus ReportAfter returning home and a couple weeks of rest, life returns to normal. The mission was accomplished, people were saved and now we are back comfortable, safe, fed, and loved. Or are we? There is always a sense of comple
Ventura Furniture, Santa Barbara Furniture | For Your Home, Since 1976Southern California's Best Kept Secret: For Your Home - California Style Furniture and Furnishing Since 1976.
{{ Resources}} {{reactions and comments}} - {{}}Check out the reactions and comments pertaining to the themes found in the book. We hope they provoke reflections and dialogue about how to approach service learning in a respectful, sustainable, and equitable manner.
Short term missions are not the race The Hus ReportAfter returning home and a couple weeks of rest, life returns to normal. The mission was accomplished, people were saved and now we are back comfortable, safe, fed, and loved. Or are we? There is always a sense of comple
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